Yesterday, a post was added to the “Dream JB” website outlining the progress of the iPhone 5 untethered jailbreak. It went a little something like this:
Proof will be posted both here and on my Twitter account on Wednesday.
As far as the video that will be uploaded, it will be a single-take shot of the entire jailbreak process, including a restart and usage of the device to prove it is untethered. It will be uploaded as raw video straight from my camera to YouTube. So no edits in any form. Thank you all for your patience and support. Also, with the extremely high volume of tweets and over 4500 emails, I will try to address the public as I can. I ask that you read the FAQ before contacting me by email. I will update the FAQ for you all tomorrow morning. I’ve also moved past website updates to the bottom of the page. Goodnight everyone!
So he says that proof will be posted tomorrow in the form of an unedited video. Excuse me for being just a bit suspicious about this whole thing.
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