iPhone 5 Users:
1. Plug your iPhone 5 into iTunes and backup the device so you won’t lose anything, just in case.
2. Download the hacked carrier update here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hovki1nbesfpjnu/ATT_US_iPhone_14.1.ipcc
3. Once downloaded, you’ll to go ahead and enable iTunes to accept custom carrier bundles, if it’s not already.
4. Windows users, you will need to open command prompt and type the following and enter it in:
64 bit: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes then type: iTunes.exe/setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
32 bit: cd C:\Program Files\iTunes then type: iTunes.exe/setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
Mac users you will need to open terminal and type the following and enter it in:
Mac: defaults write com.apple.iTunes carrier-testing -bool true
5. After this has successfully been entered in, click on the tab for your iPhone 5 and click “Update” or “Check For Update” while holding down the Alt/Option key for Mac users and the Shift key for Windows users. Navigate to where you downloaded the hacked carrier update file, which will be named “ATT_US_iPhone_14.1.ipcc” then select it and click Open. Now restart your device and enjoy faster speeds.
6. If you encounter any problems or wish to revert back just follow the “Revert” guide below.
iPad Users:
1. Plug your iPad into iTunes and backup the device so you won’t lose anything, just in case.
2. Download the hacked carrier update here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qgrrdgcycl7tluz/ATT_US_iPad_14.1.ipcc
3. Once downloaded, you’ll to go ahead and enable iTunes to accept custom carrier bundles, if it’s not already.
4. Windows users, you will need to open command prompt and type the following and enter it in:
64 bit: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes then type: iTunes.exe/setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
32 bit: cd C:\Program Files\iTunes then type: iTunes.exe/setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
Mac users you will need to open terminal and type the following and enter it in:
Mac: defaults write com.apple.iTunes carrier-testing -bool true
5. After this has successfully been entered in, click on the tab for your iPad and click “Update” or “Check For Update” while holding down the Alt/Option key for Mac users and the Shift key for Windows users. Navigate to where you downloaded the hacked carrier update file, which will be named “ATT_US_iPad_14.1.ipcc” then select it and click Open. Now restart your device and enjoy faster speeds.
6. If you encounter any problems or wish to revert back just follow the “Revert” guide below.
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For more video:- http://bit.ly/zOri2C